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Current classes -  Cracow

Aktualnie nie prowadzę regularnych zajęć w Polsce.
Zapraszam na warsztaty stacjonarne oraz sesje on-line.

Zapraszam również firmy do współpracy w zakresie prowadzenia warsztatów i seminariów wellness .

Individual lessons 


  If you need a personal touch and explore 1-1 yoga with your teacher,

I invite you to individual sessions.

15-minute consultation - free (we talk about your needs in the field of yoga practice)

price for 1 meeting (75 min): PLN 200

Temple massage session Lomi Lomi Nui:

Price: PLN 300 (1.5 hours + conversation before the session and time for integration / about 30 minutes)

Temple massage Lomi Lomi Nui is a deep and transforming work on the body and soul level.

Practiced at life breaks or to move energy throughout the body.

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